Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Hello everyone. I realize that I haven't written a blog for a long time. I love looking and your wonderful blogs, but find that time gets aways from me and I forget to contribute. Oh well. Things have been so different for us during this last month, that I haven't paused very much to participate in blogging. So, here are just a couple of little pictures. Now that Bill has his wonderful camera, I depend on him to take the great ones, but then I need to have him put them on the computer so I can post them. Oh well. I did try to fix a red eyeball problem on one of the pictures. I made a couple of quick lap quilts to celebrate my twin brother's 60th birthday. And, Bill's birthday was well celebrated with funny cards, phone calls, gift cards for books, a toy helicopter, DVDs and love from us all. This was an especially poignant birthday for us to be happy about. He is doing very well now and should be just fine, by the way. So, enough of all this...........We love and miss you all. Spring is coming soon and we already have daffodils pushing up even on the snowy days that seem to pop up here and there. Love you all. MOm

January, February and little bit of March